Bringing Blades Back to Life!
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All services are
Even if you have been to our home-based workshop previously, please respect our privacy and understand that we work from our home and people should not stop by unannounced for sharpening.
Don't be fooled...
Not all sharpeners provide the same quality of service.
What sets The Blade Doctor apart from other sharpeners?
The Blade Doctor utilizes water-cooled stones, precision angling tools, diamond stones, special honing wheels, and many other tools to ensure your blades are treated with the utmost care.
The Blade Doctor believes in educating stylists, barbers, and groomers about their shears so they aren't taken advantage of. We see far too many people have their shears ruined by so-called "professional" sharpeners. One bad sharpening can take nearly 5 years of life off your shear. We teach you what to ask, what to look for, and how to tell the difference between a bad and a proper sharpening. We believe your shears should look and feel like new after a sharpening service. The Blade Doctor has performed many emergency surgeries to restore blades back to their glory because stylists were not properly educated. We do our best to rectify this. For more information and education, check out our BLOG.
We provide before and after photos of our work so you can see the difference for yourself; our website, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok pages are at your disposal to see what The Blade Doctor is capable of. We push you to do the research to find the best sharpener for you. We also own Phantom Edge Shears to provide you with a more affordable alternative to expensive shears.
Not just about Beauty Shears...
The Blade Doctor sharpens a variety of blades other than shears and scissors; knives, clipper blades and clipper machine maintenance, surgical and dental instruments. Click here for a more extensive list - Whatever service you are looking for, The Blade Doctor will Bring your Blades Back to Life!